

Tuesday, March 14, 2017 Review

Note:  Although my original intention was to review only, I have confirmed that the other two astrology websites listed below are part of the same company as with similar content, and so I am including all three in this review.  Their fourth website, is a listing of psychics, astrologers, and other fortune tellers, and if you wish to purchase a reading you can do so there.            (          (    (

I’ve talked to you about a couple of astrology websites I like, now I’m going to tell you about what I don’t like.  I have many problems with these sites, beginning with the way they perceive, interpret, and portray astrology and astrologers. 
Astrology is based on the theory that the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, and other celestial bodies tend to influence each other, our world, and all of us. This is not such an outlandish idea when you consider the effect the moon has on the tides of our Oceans. 

Astrologers believe they can identify the type of influence that it holds over a person by studying the position the planets were in at the time of his birth. Astrology is a way to interpret these influences, and gain some insight into ourselves and others.  The hope is that once we can recognize these tendencies we are then empowered to control and direct them accordingly.  Astrology is not an absolute, it has never negated the idea of free will.   “The stars impel, they do not compel.” 

I think it is best to always approach astrology and astrologers with an open mind but with some skepticism.  It is best to reserve judgement and evaluate what we are told against the facts.  But there are certain red flags contained in these websites:

My main problem is that they speak in absolutes.  For instance, the title of one article is “Don’t date these signs, Scorpio”. Astrology would not say that.  It would try to indicate the problems one sign might have with another and find ways to work around them.  

I also question their accuracy. Astrology involves some very precise calculations to determine the position of the planets at the time of birth. I have found several calculation errors in their birth charts, including a major one in my own chart.  

Also, they are very profit oriented.  Every horoscope is just a way to introduce something they are selling or to obtain information from you so that they can try to solicit you through email.

That's three strikes by my count.  Proceed at your own risk.


  1. I would actually like to see a combination of astrology and physics. I DO believe everything affects everything else and using the mathematical precision of physics to enhance the outcomes of astrological charting would be a VERY interesting project. You know, not just alignments of celestial bodies, but their mass, gravity, distance and the counter/cross influences of smaller bodies too. I think that's a thing I would love to read.

    By the way, profit is always a corrupting factor in any field of study. It is unfortunate, but true.

    1. Actually, astrology does consider physics. That's why the Sun Sign is given the most importance followed by the Moon sign. The inner planets are considered to have more prominent effects on individuals than the outer planets. The outer planets, are given less importance, and are considered to have more of an effect on generations, because of their distance from the Earth. And even asteroids, like Chiron, are included in many charts. And you're right, profit is always a corrupting factor.

    2. I wasn't aware that it went beyond planets and moons. Thanks for that. I just mean that we're getting more and more information and that astrology, like any other persuasion, can always be improved. I do think if the money/fake factor could be taken out and it could be more heavily studied, then perhaps theories there like any other field of study, could change and develop. That would be cool.
