

Monday, March 27, 2017

Review of Astrolibrary


I decided to examine some  astrology websites to find a good resource I could reccommend for those who are just now developing an interest in astrology and would like to learn the basics. I’ve settled on Astrolibrary, mainly because I liked their philosophy which includes a belief in free will.  They even included one of my favorite quotes in lesson 10: “I am the master of my fate and the captain of my soul.”

I was a teenager when I checked my first book on astrology out of the library, and by the end of the night, I had cast my birth chart. It’s even easier now that there are websites that will do the math and draw the chart for you.  (I still would recommend you learn to do the math yourself, but then have one printed out for you at to check your accuracy.)

Begin with lesson one, and once you have your chart, come back here to Astrolibrary and continue through lesson 10.   But, just for now, don’t go past lesson 10. If you really are interested in learning more, then look at how some of the other websites with lessons for beginners present the same material. I would suggest that you take your time and really learn the planets, signs, houses, and aspects forward and backward before you go any further. These are the tools of astrology and as necessary to reading a chart as the alphabet is to writing a book.  But once you know them, you’ll find that you can learn anything and everything about astrology with ease.

There is much more involved in astrology than just reading someone's birth chart or writing a daily horoscope column.  These are just some of the areas involved in the study of astrology:

Astrology of a Business - the birth chart of a business
Astropsychology - psychological astrology
Composite or Blended Chart Astrology - the chart of a            relationship or family
Electional Astrology - determining when to do something
Geographic Astrology - determining where to do                       something
Hellenistic Astrology - the study of ancient astrology
Horary Astrology - the study of the birth of a question      Medical Astrology
Mundane Astrology - Political or World Events
Past Life Astrology
Synastry - Compatibility
Vocational Astrology - Choosing a career


1 comment:

  1. Thanks! Astropsychology, Electional astrology and Geography astrology look interesting. I'll search more about them.
